The Shocking Secret the Wheat Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know

With so many options available – fresh-milled vs commercially processed, all-purpose vs whole wheat – understanding the key differences in wheat can empower you to choose the healthiest option. This article explains the anatomy of a wheat berry, how nutrients are lost in commercial processing, and what to look for when purchasing whole grain products.

Anatomy of a Wheat Grain

Before we dive into the differences between fresh-milled and commercially processed wheat, let’s take a closer look at the anatomy of a wheat grain. A wheat grain is made up of three main components:

Bran – The bran is the outermost layer of the wheat grain. It is very high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Fiber is beneficial for digestive health, while vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants provide essential nourishment.

Germ – The germ is the embryo of the grain, which contains healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. The germ helps replenish the nutrients in the soil to grow more wheat plants. It is full of beneficial nutrients for human health as well.

Endosperm – The endosperm is the largest part of the wheat grain, making up about 83% of it. It contains mostly starch and some protein, which provide energy and nutrients.

Whole Wheat vs. All-Purpose Flour

An important consideration when it comes to wheat is the difference between whole wheat and all-purpose flour:

All-purpose flour (often referred to as white flour or white bread) goes through a roller mill process that removes both the bran and germ, leaving only the starchy endosperm. This gives it a finer texture and longer shelf stability but strips out much of the natural nutrition. It is lower in fiber, vitamins, and minerals than whole wheat flour. All-purpose flour is often used in a variety of baked goods, including cakes, cookies, and pastries. Unless the flour package specifically states it is “whole wheat,” you can assume it is refined flour without the bran and germ.

Whole wheat flour is made from the entire wheat grain, including the bran, germ, and endosperm. This means it retains the fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from the bran and germ. Commercial whole wheat flour goes through a similar roller milling process, but the particles are only coarsely ground and none of the parts get sifted out. This allows the flour to maintain all the nutrition while still having a reasonable shelf life. When you see “100% whole wheat” on a flour package, that means all three natural components are included.

Fresh-Milled vs. Commercially Processed Wheat

Fresh-milled wheat is wheat that has been ground into flour shortly before it is used. This type of wheat retains all of its natural nutrients and flavor. Fresh-milled wheat is often used by artisan bakers and home cooks who want to make bread with a unique flavor and texture.

Commercially processed wheat is wheat that has been ground into flour and then packaged for sale. This type of wheat is often used by commercial bakeries and food manufacturers because it has a longer shelf life and a finer, consistent texture. However, commercially processed wheat has been stripped of many of its natural nutrients and flavor.

The Process of Removing the Bran and Germ

In commercially processed wheat, machines are used to remove the nutritious bran and germ from the wheat grains:

  1. The wheat grains are cracked open and ground into smaller particles.
  2. These particles then go through a series of sieves and filters that separate the different components based on size.
  3. The hard outer bran particles get sifted out because they are the largest. The germ particles also get sifted out because they are quite small.
  4. What remains is mostly the starchy endosperm, which gets further ground and processed into refined white flour.

By removing the bran and germ, the flour lasts longer on shelves without going rancid. However, this also strips out much of the fiber, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and other nutrients.

Fresh-Milled vs. Commercially Processed Whole Wheat Flour

There are many benefits to choosing fresh-milled whole wheat flour:

Enzymes – Wheat berries contain natural enzymes that aid processes like starch conversion and yeast fermentation. These enzymes are mostly lost in processing. Fresh-milled retains all the active enzymes.

More Nutrients –  Fresh-milled whole wheat flour has spent less time exposed to air, light, etc. so there will be more vitamins and antioxidants. Certain nutrients degrade over time with commercial processing methods.

Superior Flavor – Fresh-milled tends to have a richer, more nuanced wheat flavor. The natural oils haven’t had as much time to oxidize.

Better Texture – Due to coarser particles and higher oil content, fresh-milled whole wheat can give baked goods a more pronounced texture and that “chew” character that artisan bakers seek.

The Confident Baker Difference

At The Confident Baker, we use a stone mill to freshly grind both our whole wheat and all-purpose flours, keeping all enzymes, vitamins, and nutrients intact. This is done within only a week of purchase, and usually within 24 hours before you buy. Additionally, unlike commercially processed all-purpose flours, our all-purpose flour and mixes include 100% of the germ-containing all the healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Our recommended storage method for optimal shelf life is to store our flour in the fridge or freezer if not used within 2 weeks. This preserves the freshness of the flour and keeps the vitamins and enzymes from degrading.


In summary, choosing freshly stone-ground whole grains ensures maximum nutrition and taste for all your baking needs. Look for “100% whole wheat” on flour bags to guarantee the bran and germ are kept intact.

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